Wednesday, September 30, 2015

To Write a Novel (Some Tips for Beginners)

Tips for beginners?! You shriek. You're a beginner, you aren't even published! What advice could you possibly give that's any good?!

Well, I think my dedication, skill set, hours of research spent, and oh, say about, an entire lifetime dedicated to either reading or writing literature up to this point are credential enough. But, obviously, if you're here for tips, you honestly don't care about that.

Whatever you do, don't revise before the first draft is completed.
Once you start making changes to the story before you're done, it's game over, friend. I know it's hard, but once change leads to even more small changes and soon you'll be completely lost and frustrated. Trust me, been there, done that, total regret. Just don't do it. You'll thank yourself. Accept this this version is just a draft and can all be changed around in the next-go-round.

It's okay to change your mind.
Sometimes we have an idea that seems great when we first come up with it, but as time goes on you just
But it's always been part of the plan and so you feel like it's not okay to remove? Well, I'm gonna be totally honest with you: remove the fuck out of it. If you aren't happy with it, your readers certainly won't be. Besides, as a writer, it's your job to be as satisfied with your work as possible. As someone who was completely against changing anything from a name to character death, let me just say how freeing it is to know that it's okay to change it. Even if it's a major plot point, as long as it changes the story for the better, go right on ahead!

Write, Write, Write!
I would say it goes without saying, but hell, I'm guilty of this one myself. You need to set aside some time to write. Give yourself some sort of ultimatum or goal. Just write something. If you say you don't have the time, make it. Wake up earlier, stay up later, spend your break or lunch writing, even if it's only thirty words. If you don't write, your failing yourself as a writer. Feeling too down or too frustrated to continue your current work? Write yourself out exactly what that feeling is like. (Bonus: not only will this work as a therapy to accept and push past the feeling quite often, it leaves you with a perfect emotional reference for that next scene in your work!)
Just whatever you do, write something, preferably everyday, but more realistically four times a week.

You Can't Write Without Reading
Reading and writing go hand-in-hand. I've never met a writer who hates reading, although I fear they're out there. Again, take it from my example: growing up all throughout elementary school and sixth grade, my absolute favorite thing to do was read. I read so many books, the school librarians knew me personally and I was getting something new at least once a week for a pretty long time. As I got older, I found less and less time to read, or began to change out books for manga, then fan fiction, then only wrote my own fan fiction and read nothing, then just some political and scientific articles. It's not that I had stopped reading entirely--I just happened to read likely no more than seven books a year, including those for school. (I'm ashamed to admit this year hasn't gone too spectacularly in that respect either; I'm currently only at 6 books [mainly because I also re-read a few books and didn't count those], but I'm going to try to cram in a few more books before December 31st.)
With stopping reading, I slowly began to stop writing. It wasn't that I wasn't getting any less creative, well, in a way I was. I sat around waiting for inspiration for a new project. Because my mind wasn't filled with creative influences, that wasn't coming as naturally as before. But once I started reading again (quick recommendation--The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken is fan-freaking-tastic), I started to think about my novels again. Since that little burst of inspiration? I picked back up my first YA novel idea and just earlier today reached over 19,000 words after about ten months (on and off, I'd say four months or so were lull, with little to no activity).

Research Your Ass Off
 Sad fact, no one knows everything. Wonderful fact: the Internet is full of people who do know what you don't. No one likes being wrong, so research anything you're unsure about. Or hell, even if you are sure do it anyway. It's not going to hurt you. I've spent more time researching some stories than actually writing them, and it does pay off in the end. Some things are best to try out for yourself, such as firing a gun (at a range, please. Also, on my list to do, once I get my license and my mother accepts the fact that I don't necessarily need her permission to do so), but other things like drowning, or PTSD are best not experienced first-hand.

It's Okay to Quit
Okay, well, this one isn't exactly what it seems. It's okay to quit a story that isn't working out. Some ideas aren't meant to take off, but we can still learn from them. I have a few stories that no one will ever see simply for the fact that I can't write them, or they aren't that great of an idea. What's not okay is quitting writing because things aren't working out. You got rejected? I'm gonna let you in on a secret. Are you listening? Ready? Yeah? Okay. ALMOST EVERYONE IS. Everyone from John Green to J.K. Rowling to Stephen King has been rejected at one point or another. Fix it, try again, hell, even scrap it if need be. Just keep writing something.

The Gospel Truth...
You're going to have times where you hate yourself, you hate your work, you might even hate your life. Such is the life of the author. You must suffer for your art and yadda yadda yadda. In the words of Journey, don't stop believin'. If no on will publish you, self-publish, establish a social media platform, sell at a farmer's market, whatever, just get your work out there. Don't give up. Never give up on your passions. Ever. Ever. 
So, young padawan, my best advice? In the words of the great master Shia Labeouf....

Have a wonderful day and dream those dreams,
K.L. Palmer

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Just Some Rambling

It's been a bit since I've posted here, so I figured I'd just sort of talk about whatever comes to mind. Well, for one, I've fallen into a horrible abyss of costume/horror makeup. Just earlier today, I spent about one and a half to two hours working on broken doll makeup, after drawing a broken doll. I keep watching various YouTubers (namely Klairedelys and Madeyewlook--Check them out, seriously!) But, there's a few issues with this. Naturally, I want to try something like their stuff.


I don't have much money to guy buy all the sort of supplies I need (at this point mainly being lipsticks, lipliners and either grease paint or face/body paint). Well, I have some money. But some of that has already been dedicated to pre-ordering Rick Riordan's The Sword of Summer which comes out in October.

I haven't mentioned it, but I'm a huge Rick Riordan freak. I've been reading his books since I was assigned Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightening Thief  in the fourth grade and haven't exactly stopped since. I've been pre-ordering the special Barnes and Noble editions every year since the sixth grade and I certainly am not letting myself drop the habit just because this is the Norse series and not Greek/Roman.

That aside, I only have (at most) $15 for Halloween makeup. As I plan to be Harley Quinn, I need specific items that don't exactly correspond with the other things I want, and I certainly don't want to ask my mom to pay for it all considering we're a bit tighter on cash than usual, and she'll be paying somewhere close to $70 for my costume alone. So, I'm just a tad disappointed with it all will probably wait for Christmas to get all of the things I want and do a ton of our of season horror looks, much to my disappointment.

This is why I need a job...But first I need a permit and a license and a car. And then hope I can manage to find someone who will hire a seventeen year old with no experience when I know for a fact there are adults in this town who are homeless with families and need the money much more than some needy teen who just wants money for costumes and makeup.

Oh well. I'll figure it out eventually.

Have a good day and dream those dreams,
K.L. Palmer

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Frustrations and Cosplay

Hello there again! I'm pretty sure there's no one still out there. That's okay, honestly--I'm not expecting much. (Okay, I'm kinda disappointed but like I don't know what I expected~ Unreasonable ambitions, as always. Can you hear my sigh? It's there.)

Anyhow! I'm a bit of an aspiring cosplayer, and recently I've decided on my next biggest cosplay: Rose Quartz, the voluptuous, bubble-gum gem from Steven Universe. Naturally, I'm very excited (I've only cosplayed one woman in my time and I literally only got that cosplay last Saturday. Well, my Ymir cosplay from Attack on Titan counts, I suppose, but I've never even worn the whole outfit before).
Credit to Steven-Universe Wikia

However, I've found myself stuck up by a very problematic set-back: there's almost no pre-made cosplay for purchase for Rose. You see, I have absolutely zero knowledge of how to make any sort of  clothing. My closest encounter with a sewing machine was seventh grade FACS class where I made a long tube-like thing out of some cheap cow patterned fabric and filled with rice to make some lame-ass cold compress/heat pack god-knows-what-contraption. My younger sister took a fashion and design class, so I thought maybe I could enlist her.

Apparently not. She says she could possibly make the dress. But. She needs an entirely different sewing machine for that, which obviously is not within the realm of possibility and there is absolutely no way in hell that I am going to hand sew an entire dress. This is not the seventeenth century, and I 
frankly do not have the time or patience for that.

So what is a sad, cash-starved cosplayer to do? I've been trying to look online for a pattern, or a similar dress to Rose's. There's one tiiiiiiiiiiny issue with that all.

I'm a bit of what you'd call a "perfectionist." Well, mainly when it comes to cosplay. I want to embody my characters the best I can, to physically and emotionally be the best them I can. (Ever since my boobs have doubled in size, this has become a bit of an issue with my male cosplays.) Hell, I even chose Rose Quartz over Pearl to cosplay because I felt my body type fit better for Rose and would therefore be best. So to go out and buy something I know if imperfect is difficult for me, especially being so tight on funding. 

Wigs are surprisingly the easier part of this whole endeavor; I had assumed I would spend painstaking hours trying to find one of the right color, or length or curls. As it turns out, a specific style of Megurine Luka wig works fantastically, as do a handful of other generic pink, curled wigs. My biggest struggle with this is trying to decide whether or not to risk cheaper, easily tangled wig or 
thick, expensive ones. 

I suppose that's enough rambling for now. You may hear about this again later once I decide to go to a con as Rose and have to finally purchase.

Have a wonderful day and dream those dreams,
K.L. Palmer

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello there! Yes, I'm aware that little to no one is actually reading this. But it all starts out small, doesn't it? That's fine, this is mostly for me to practice writing and getting more practice as an author. Ah, yes, how cliche! An aspiring teenage author starting a blog to promote her writing! and blah blah blah, yes?
Well. I don't write as much as I should and this will help me get on track. I'm currently working on a dystopian sci-fi novel (yes, also stereotypical), and I've been stuck on chapter twelve for a while. Allowing myself this medium will hopefully inspire me to write more, even if it's not for that particular novel.
This is running a little further off track than I intended to...Sorry. I have a habit of going off-tangent a lot, you'll see that. Let's make this terse; my blog has been created for the purposes of a) making me write, b) expressing my random emotions/thoughts/frustrations in a healthy manner to help me process through it all, c) to try and make myself a social media name through the one thing I am certain I am good at-- writing, and d) hopefully, I'll get published some day and this will help my fans to know me a bit better.
The structure of my blog will be a bit...chaotic, to begin with. I have a varied range of interests, so therefore my blog will reflect that. One day I might be bubbling about something related to superheroes, the next pondering some big scientific theory, posting a short snippet of a story that has been screaming to be written, then chirping about the new cosplay I've added to my ever growing list that between makeup and books will drain my wallet clean. A big reason I chose blogging over YouTube? I couldn't pick a focus for my channel. (That, and I have a very sarcastic tone of voice and am awfully twitchy in front of a camera.)
So, yes...I'm sure none of that was really cohesive, but as I mentioned, that's sort of just how my brain works. I'll do my best to post at least once a week for now. With that, I'm off!
Have a wonderful day and dream those dreams,
K.L. Palmer